Saturday, April 27, 2013

X-Rated Movies ~ Aphrodisiacs from A to Z

Buy it from Babeland!
X-rated movies are the epitome of the man-made aphrodisiac. They exist to turn folks on. Sure, women are objectified in 'em, but so are men. Everyone's objectified, W00T, W00T! (Hey, equal opportunity rocks, OK?)

It's been said again and again that men can't tear themselves away from porn because they're so visually oriented. You know what? So are women. According to one of BYU's* Women's Services and Resources Web pages, "1 of 3 visitors to all adult web sites are women," and "9.4 million women access adult web sites each month."

Which is all to say, whether they view it alone or with their partners, both sexes be diggin' the porn. Personally, I find it tricky to locate porn that doesn't contain some element of squick for me (though I'll persevere until I do). (Strictly in the interest of science.) But I sure as hell don't want to watch it with a partner. (My jealousy-o-meter goes from 0 to 1,000,000,000,000 in exactly a microsecond. So if any dude o' mine's checkin' out another chick, for any reason, I don't want to know.)

*Yes, that BYU!


*Links to naughtiness removed bc I've had a change of heart about publishing them.*

Click here for more on X-rated movies.


  1. Had to come here some time. Hey if you had access to a the internet everyone has seen it at least once.

  2. I guy I lived with once got me to watch one he rented. I agreed 'cause I was young (we all aim to please when we're young and stupid). It didn't really work on me - I was too caught up in plot holes and really bad acting -- it worked on him though...

  3. My guy wants to introduce it into the bedroom but I have resisted. For one, I don't find people having sex to be a turn on at all. It's gross; personally I think penises are ugly as hell. And I am with you on the jealousy factor. He's tried to tell me again and again that those women aren't even real, and just party favours, and that he loves me and I turn him on. But I won't do it. I have a feeling he'd be watching it and I'd have my face hidden and too turned off to do anything together.

    1. I wouldn't be into that either, JoJo. It's fine to experiment, if all parties are game, but we really have to stick with what we're comfortable doing. Security is super sexy!

  4. I gotta tell ya, after the age of 20 or so, I just couldn't handle that porn jazz anymore. Cha-chucka-cha-chucka-cha. And watching two completely uninterested people executing nothing more than repeating "Plug A into Socket B." I know some folks enjoy it, and more power to them, but whoa, give me real eyes to look into, and real hands to hold, and real ... well, you get the idea. :-)

    1. Well, yeah; if I had The Real Thing, I wouldn't give a rap about porn. :-)

  5. Oh geeze, I remember watching a movie with a boyfriend years ago. I think after my fifth ridiculous question about the plot, he realized this was not going to have any desired effect!

  6. It's one of those dirty little secrets I keep to myself. I was doing "research" (honest, that's how it started) when I found myself fascinated by the stuff I found for free on the Internet. God only knows what I could have gotten had I paid! (No way was I handing over credit card info!). DH is more puritanical than I and the few attempts we tried at watching stuff together made him very uncomfortable. Is it because they say they want a slut in the bedroom and a lady in the rest of the house, but they don't really??? A fun post. Thanks!

    1. I reckon that Madonna/whore thing's true for some fellas...and some chicks, too, I suppose. :-)

  7. I think it's cool that women who enjoy porn are more open about it than they used to be. I neither love it nor hate it, though it does seem difficult to find one that isn't so ridiculous that it makes me giggle more than it makes me feel amorous. I mean many come to fix the copier movies can one see lol. With you on not wanting to watch with a partner though for the same reason. Yep, I get jealous and it makes me feel like I am having to share and I gladly admit that I am a person who loves to share...just not my love interests.

    1. Word. As regards those who belong to me (yes, I said, "belong to me"), that's where my planetary action in Scorpio rears its stinger and transforms easy-like-Sunday-morning-Sagittarian-me into someone you don't want to run afoul of in a dark alley. :-D

  8. i'm with you on the jealousy thing. Must be something to do with the 'Scandinavian, I'm so fucking hot that you just can't possibly compare' thing.

  9. We watched one the other weekend with Bigfoot. Yeah, it had Bigfoot as an alien and the chick got with him at the end. Wait... did I just ruin the plot for you?

    1. ROTFL. No, really; I can't stop ROTFL-ing!!!!! :-D

  10. I've enjoyed watching porn in the past (esp. doctor-themed porn, my favorite subject for erotic stories and porn), though after awhile it can start to feel boring, the same storyline over and over again. I love when a new, creative angle is injected into a porn film.

    1. Hmmm, don't think I've ever seen any medical porn. Not that I'm a porn connoisseur, or anything... :-)


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