Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Imagination ~ Aphrodisiacs from A to Z

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Imagination fuels the sexy-sexin'. C'mon, we all know that, right? We read/hear/see everywhere that the brain's the most important sexual organ there is, a claim which I cannot dispute, as mine has served me fairly well. (In the sexual arena, at least.)

The brain is ground control for all we perceive through our senses and all we put out into the world in return. The eyes tell the brain they see a thing, but it's the brain that processes the image and says, "Hey, that's pretty damned hot!" As the CPU for sensory input, it's constantly receiving and analyzing data and guiding us either to or from that which attracts or repels. And then the brain tells us how to respond. (W00F!)

Imagination comes in when we've latched on to that which the brain assured us we wanted to attract. As that relationship's intimacy deepens and becomes more physical, we fall back on learned sexual skills, but, if we are thoughtful lovers, we'll tap into our imaginations for further, and possibly new-to-us, ways in which to delight our partners (and by extension, delight ourselves). On another level, imagination has aided more than one gal in pushing through an encounter which appeared doomed from the onset. And of course, imagination's also the fairy godmother of solo ventures, if ya know what I mean. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)


Click here to learn more about the brain as a sexual organ.


  1. The imagination is indeed an amazing thing!

  2. The imagination is great, and essential at times. But it pales in comparison to the real thing. Just an opinion. :-)

    1. True; but at the moment, it's all I've got! :-)

  3. YAY! to the brain. As Woody Allen once said in one of his films regarding the brain, "It's my second favourite organ."

    Imagination is EVERYTHING. Think about it this way, what ever we use, touch, eat, drink, read, watch, listen to, etc... it has all stemmed from someone's imagination at some point. You could even go as far as to say that day in, day out, we move through someone's imagination.

  4. So true. Sex should be more than about just humping. :-D

  5. i find myself in trouble a lot for using my imagination... i want to share it, use it and never lose it...

  6. Imagination - cheaper than any pill or toy, that's for sure! Loving your posts during the A to Z, Mina!
    Jess/Blogging on the Brink

  7. lol... no one has yet mentioned the great combination of phone + imagination - the rest I leave to you ;)

  8. Imagination - my fave thing!

  9. Interesting site! Thanks for dropping by and hope you stop by often!

  10. Seduced by the mind first. Absolutely.

  11. The the mind boggles.........oops no pun intended, wait, thats a lie. Stimulation of the mind is way sexy, that must be how ugly funny people get all the good ones. Thanks for coming by

  12. Right on. Imaginations takes us places, and some are very, very sexy in nature. Very cool blog -- colors, graphics, and content.
    And what great choice for "I."
    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! By the way, you've got an AWESOME last name!!! :-)

  13. You make a number of most interesting points. Imagination had me thinking about my millions of adoring fans begging for my autograph etc. And my last two brain cells are having a great time thinking about sex :)

    Be well and happy alphabeting, Mini Lobo.

    Gary :)

  14. Hahaha (guilt laughter.) Imagination is great for all those reasons and more.

  15. Sex is a part of life. Too bad some of the t.v. and movies leave so little to the imagination about this. Might be better for our culture in general if they did.

    1. I agree, MJ. For all my flippancy, I regard sex as a sacred thing. I mean, I can have fun talking about it but the act of making love is one I esteem highly, it's too special to be degraded, IMO.

  16. Imagination is definitely the biggest aphrodisiac! I think a lot of people prefer erotic stories that don't give so many details about certain things, like physical appearance, so the reader can imagine the characters however s/he likes.

  17. Hey I wrote my I - post about 'Imagination' too. Not a similar tone to this post though. Enjoyed your post. Thank you.

  18. Thank you, lovely visitors, for popping round! <3

  19. Oh hell yeah the imagination is the biggest sex organ there is. ;)


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