Saturday, April 6, 2013

Figs ~ Aphrodisiacs from A to Z

Fig by Kyle_the_hacker
Figs, man. My dad loves 'em. So does my sis. I think the last fig I ate was a dried one and it left a bad taste in my mouth. (Literally.) So I can't speak to their yumminess; how about y'all? I mean, they do look all luscious and appealing and whatnot. And I do like Fig Newtons, so I'm willing to give 'em another shot 'cause they're, like, supposed to keep ya regular (and when you're a middle-aged Goth, comme moi, these things take on greater relevance, OK?). (Don't judge).

Hmmm. Well, the fig apparently falls under the category of aphrodisiac that is believed to be a libido-starter simply because it resembles either sex's genitalia. In this case, the chick-sex.

I know, right? That's so weird.


Click here to learn more about figs.


Blogging from A to Z April 2013


  1. I have actually never tried a real fig; however, I love Fig Newtons. :)

  2. I never knew figs were so sexy! I'll have to try one!!

    Other than fig newtons that is...


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  3. I'm not so fond of figs, but my husband loves them. Perhaps their chick-resemblance really does attract male fans! lol

    1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've lived a lot of places. I worked in Manhattan while living in Queens for 10 years. No matter Egypt's history, in my opinion, NYC is the greatest city on Earth!

  4. Fig Newtons count as an aphrodisiac, right?

    Found your blog on the A-Z challenge list and I'm glad I did :)

  5. I have never looked at a fig and thought, it looks like a testicle, but now I will :)

  6. I love fig rolls (our version of fig newtons, I think) and this post has made me realise I haven't had any in a while. Off to the shops I go! :)

  7. I've never had a fig other than in the Newton. Ooey gooey rich and chewy on the inside, golden flaky tender cakey on the outside, wrap the inside on the outside, is it good? Darn tootin! Do the Big! Fig! Newton! (here's the tricky part)

  8. Only ever eaten fig rolls, which is a kind of biscuit base with fig centre - lovely and chewy, and such a great energy booster. The problem being, a whole packet lasts no longer than 30 minutes with me.

  9. This has just made my day, because, like Mark above, I ADORE fig rolls. I see it as my duty now to go and eat a whole shit load of them. :)

  10. *tilts head, staring at the photo* I don't see the resemblance. But hey, I love figs either way. :-D

  11. I kinda like real figs...they're okay. But I love fig newtons. :)

  12. Yeah, I've only ever eaten fig rolls too. Kind of an old school British treat, I think. I'll never think of them the same way now, though!

  13. I totally with Karen on this one. LOVE Fig Newtons, but the fruit itself, meh.

  14. We have a fig tree. Mother Dragon loves them. I say they look like bull's testicles (and they are big.)

  15. I'll never look at a fig the same way again.

  16. ^^^ Bull testicles??? Ewww!
    I like Fig Newtons too! But have never had a real fig before!

  17. Never was a fan of figs either despite the fact that my mom loved them and my sister does too. Maybe I'll have to give them another go...just maybe lol.

  18. Hey Mini Lobo,

    Yes, it's me again. I absolutely love figs. And Fig Newtons, well they were named after good old Sir Isaac Newton. Yep, the dude who discovered gravity. If it wasn't for him we'd all be floating around. How neat. Sorry, if my comment left you um up in the air. Enjoy your weekend.

    Gary :)

  19. So, like an edible orchid would be considered sexy because it LOOKS like a girls *a-hem* parts? Yeah... not buying it. It still tastes like spongy paper to me.

    But fig newtons... now there's something I used to love... back when I could eat gluten. Oh, I miss you so...

  20. I'm not a big fig fan, they have way too many seeds, and now each time I will bite a fig it will be like biting a testicle... what you guys have done to me...

  21. Um, yeah, not so much. I'm not down with the figs or the newtons, sorry! lol!

  22. The only fig I'm eating is the one that Newton sells. I'm not a fan of fresh. I had NO idea they were an aphrodisiac! LOVE your site!! I'm a new follower so I can keep up even after the challenge!
    A to Z buddy
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  23. I enjoy figs from time to time. I had no idea of the other effect. :-)

  24. when i think of figs...stupid me goes straight to fig newtons. yuck. now strawberry newtons...yummmy!

  25. Didnt know it was aphrodisiac
    we rarely get figs in India but shud try some time

  26. I do love Fig Newtons. Think I'll stick to cookie form. :)


  27. Taking a break from Between the Keys and stopping by to say hello as part of the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge. I think it's time for my characters to enjoy a late night snack of fig newtons and milk :)

  28. I do love fig newtons, but I've never eaten fig other than that.

  29. A few days ago, we were driving back home from spring break. We stopped at a gas station to stretch our legs, get fuel for the tank and our bodies. My hubby grabs a package of Fig Newtons and I say, "Ewww. Gross." LMAO Now reading your post, I should've said, "Good choice, honey!" hehe :D

    Bouquet of Books

  30. I love dates but I agree with you about figs. They are disgusting! Yagh!

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

  31. I have to admit, that fig does look sexy, but I think most foods you eat with your hands are.

  32. What is it with dads and figs? My father loves those things too. He made me go to the store and get him a sack--yes a sack--of figs a few weeks ago. I love Fig Newtons too, but just to sit and eat figs like M & Ms is not the thing for me. And now that I know they are an aphrodisiac I don't even want to buy them for my father anymore-lol!

    Great post!


  33. Youse guys, I've just been reading down all these comments and giggling like a giddy schoolgirl. (In part, because a little work crush of mine has rather blown up in my mind and I'm probably doomed to disappointment but I've got so much Scorpio in my natal chart, I tend to obsess over a man and then crash, unless we burn.) (Gah! Must focus on writing and A to Z!)

    But the other part of my great amusement is seeing the passion aroused by lovers of fig rolls/newtons and the aversion to consuming things resembling bull's testicles.



    I heart you guys, so freakin' much.

    @Lexa - Gurl, if you managed to commute from Queens to Manhattan for 10 years and not lose your shit, I congratulate you. :-D

  34. I don't think I'll ever look at figs the same way again. The regularity part is an added bonus.


  35. I have never understood the appeal of figs. I think they just nasty looking and even worse tasting. Nothing turns me off quicker than someone trying to kiss me after eating Fig Newtons. LOL


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