Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dancing ~ Aphrodisiacs from A to Z

Pierre-Auguste Renoir [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
Dancing's a lot of fun, ain't it folks? It's creative (whether you're mixing and matching moves or choreographing your own mad stuff), it's social (you dance with your friends, you dance with a partner, though, if you're Sting, you dance alone), and it's great aerobic activity for your body. In last year's A to Z, I mentioned envisioning a group of wedding guests doing the Electric Slide to Ladytron's Destroy Everything You Touch, 'cause the tune's got a good beat for it, and I think the association I made with dance and weddings is not accidental.

Picture it: the beat's pounding and so are your hearts as you and your special someone prance and twirl across the dance floor. Your arms go about one another, perhaps exposed flesh connects, your pulses synchronize and you drown in one another's eyes as your lips draw dangerously closer. You're both panting while the sweat pours down your backs and you realize that y'all have just got to get out of there before you...Damn, is it me, or did it just get really hot all up in here?


Click here to learn more about dancing.


Blogging from A to Z April 2013


  1. Met my husband at a dance. It was love at first sight -- we danced had a blast and the next time I saw him he was with another girl!

    He broke my heart before he ever asked me out. I learned later my brother told him 'NO' in no uncertain terms. Brothers!

    1. LOVE this story! And, you know, every couple needs a bit of familial interference to battle against - it makes the ultimate union of the two hearts that much sweeter. :-)

  2. The tango is a hot, hot dance when done correctly.

    I can't dance at all, but if I drink enough, I decide I am an awesome dancer.

    1. Drink and confidence in one's dancing seems to be the theme running throughout the comments here today. :-D

  3. It's only thirty degrees outside and I had to open a window.


    1. Thank you; that did my heart good to read. ;-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's gettin hot in here! Love to dance, not very good at it but, oh well. I don't get to do the kind of dancing you described anymore. *le sigh* Now when I dance, it's usually with my kids in the living room to children's songs or gangnam style, lol. Luckily, my kids aren't old enough to be embarrassed of me, yet.

    2. Please make your "G" word be "Gangnamology" and then write out all the dance moves AND prepare a video in which you and your kids kick it Gangnam Style. Please. Pretty please? I'll be your best friend...

  5. We love to dance... more so when there is alcohol involved. *fans self* It is hot in herre!
    Dani & Jax @ Cover Girls

    1. I actually get so overheated when I dance/drink, I can't do both simultaneously. I think I'd rather dance. :-)

  6. Oolala. That's hot. And yes, I just said a Paris Hilton quote. Lol

    1. I'll overlook it 'cause you wrote "Oo" rather than "Oh" la la, which is how some folks mistakenly write it. (I'm such a pedant.) :-)

  7. I'm beginning to think you're nothing but a sensual, lust-driven romantic, who has a way with words.

    But yes, dancing can be amazingly intense on myriad of levels, but for the self-conscious, such as I, really, really letting go on the dance floor has never, nor will ever happen... sadly. Plus, watching the 'younger generation' cuttin' it up on the dance floor, I realise my best moves are now on par with the 'daddy shuffle' - oh, so embarrassing!

    1. "I'm beginning to think you're nothing but a sensual, lust-driven romantic, who has a way with words."

      I have but two things to say to that:

      1. You're only *beginning* to think that?
      2. Flatterer.

      And ROTFL at "the daddy shuffle." I bet you ROCK that shuffle, Dude. :-D

    2. You know, I think I may update my bio to include that "...sensual, lust-driven romantic" bit. It's so *me*! :-D

  8. I'm a terrible dancer until I add alcohol...then I'm awesome, at least that what my liquor-infused mind tells me

    Dancing is's like fully clothed foreplay

  9. Love to dance... especially if it's leading somewhere! haha
    Dani @ Entertaining Interests

  10. I think that's why Dancing with the Stars is so popular. It's got sex appeal, even if you don't like all the participants.

    Good luck with the challenge.


  11. Hahaha... Love it! Dancing is totally sexy, I agree :) In this island where I live, dancing--salsa, merengue, bachata, even tango--is ubiquitous. Dutch immigrants are advised, upon arrival, to take lessons right away; otherwise they'll have no fun at the year-end office party--or anywhere else :D

  12. I am so short that slow dancing is virtually impossible. As for fast dancing, if I didn't die of a heart attack, I tend to lose my balance real easily and stumble or twist my ankle. Very klutzy!

    1. I can totally relate on the short thing, JoJo.

  13. when I was a teen and had gone to my first disco, I was alone, and heading home when the bouncer (a friend of my dads) asked where I was off to. I told him I was going home as I was alone, he asked why I wasn't up dancing like the others, and I said I was too shy. He laughed and told me the simplest way to get over that was to go join the single girls all dancing and close my eyes, listen to the music and move as it moved me...from that day to this, when I'm nervous about dancing or anything, I'll close my eyes, calm my breathing and go for it. I love dancing, I still can't dance as well or as sexily as most do, but man, when I do a shimmy, I do a shimmy lol. Great post thanks.

    1. I love your story, thanks for sharing it with us. That boils down to the best advice ever: Just do what you fear and you'll fear it no more. (Unless what you fear is killing insects, which is horrifying, as everyone knows.)

  14. I want to add Belly Dancing for that extra spunk. It's definitely a great achievement to learn it and quite the seduction in practice.

    1. Oh, yes, I completely agree. It was on my mind when I wrote this post but I have this mild-OCD need to do things in threes, so I didn't include it as a "recipe." :-)

  15. My post today was about dancing as well! I'm currently taking ballroom dance lessons and am LOVING it. And there is nothing sexier than a man who can dance. Ooh la la!

    1. Great minds, and lucky you! Is your partner the person you're involved with, a friend, or someone from the class? I wonder if I'd feel weird about partnering with a stranger...yeah, probably, now that I think about it...

  16. Dancing has gotta be one of the healthiest aphrodisiacs out there!

    Tui Snider

    Twitter: @mentalmosaic

  17. Billy Idol did some dancing with himself, too.

    Dancing is a great tease and an analogy. :)

    1. ROTFL, dang it, how could I forget Billy??? :-D Nicely played, Ms. Pax.

  18. Dancing is definitely sexy... well, when one does it well! Heh. And I had no idea about basil. We're growing that in our garden this year. Let's see if it gets my hubby going or if we have more bunnies in the yard!

    1. I think the key is:

      1. Regular, though moderate, consumption of the food item and
      2. Mixing these food sources up regularly (so, like, the tomato basil soup with the anise bread and the chai hot chocolate for dessert, all in one meal).

      I imagine a synergistic effect...

  19. Gotta have 2 drinks before I hit the dance floor. Five drinks and I hit the dance floor in a different way. Nice post!

  20. I don't think it is a coincidence that so many professional dancer partners end up married. Dancing is one of the most intimate activities one can do in public places. Great post and I just love your theme for the A to Z. Very cleaver, missy. Very cleaver!

    1. You make a good point, about professional dancers marrying! W00F! :-D

  21. Whew...just had my head in the freezer for a second there...yes dancing...way sexy. Awesome D choice ;)

  22. You're all the ginchiest for stopping by and commenting - thanks, all, so much!

  23. Hi Mini Lobo,

    I remember those high school days when during PE class, us dudes got to dance with the young ladies from the other PE class. It was the only time a nerd like me got to dance with the nice looking chicks :)

    Now I dance like an old dude at some tacky wedding. Enjoy the A to Z.

    Gary, your cordial host at the alternate alphabet challenge...

    1. Howdy, Gary. Luckily, the only time I was forced to dance with any boys from school was in 8th grade, for the annual 8th grade Square Dance dance. (Yeah, that was totally a thing.) :-)

  24. I generally don't like dancing that much, but I must admit it felt really good when I was being spun around the room and bent over backwards by a really sexy dude a few years back, at a wedding reception ;)

    1. SEE??? Dancing,'s a CONSPIRACY!!! Also, W00F! ;-)

  25. You left out the striptease, hahaha. Yeah, dancing is great. I love it in all its styles.

    1. Now, what would a Father Dragon be knowing about striptease, hmmm? ;-)

  26. I this before or after I drink the spiced rum?
    I think M should be for 'Mina and her aphrodisiac style prose.'

    1. Hmmm...start with a few sips of the spiced rum, dance, then repeat. Carefully. ;-)

      And thanks so much! (That's what I aim for!)


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