Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Dark Romance of K...

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Kiss and Tell ~ Bryan Ferry

I'd forgotten all about this song till My Dear Friend Nikki reminded me of it. Ferry's got one o' them voices that damn near puts me into a swoon, as does the very typical sound of the bass in his songs. I don't know what that effect is (or even if there is one), but it hits me in all the right places. (And in all the wrong ones, too.) A song about the betrayal of a former lover, it sets a dark (if suavely sexy) tone for today's A to Z Challenge letter.

Kinda I Want To ~ Nine Inch Nails (NIN)

Oh, Trent, boy do I EVER know your pain, man! I'm sure we've all been there (or close enough). That person that's captured your fancy is so enticing, so alluring, but also so pernicious to your well-being that every instinct screams against engaging in any type of relationship whatsoever. You know it's bad, bad, bad for you, you know it, YOU KNOW IT! But then you go ahead and engage anyway. Gah!

Killer Wolf ~ Danzig

As I've mentioned before (and you may have noticed), I dig wolfie themes. Too, I enjoy the Little Red Riding Hood story and this song riffs on the idea of wolf as seducer. A predatory seducer, yes. No less arousing for all its menace, but still vewy, vewy scawy! AooROOO!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today. Since you dig wolfie themes, you might've seen that music video from ages ago called Three Little Pigs by Green Jelly? I wouldn't put it under the dark romance song genre though.

    1. LOL, not romantic, no, but I do get a kick out of that song! An old flame introduced me to it, back in the early 90s and we'd giggle ourselves into fits singing it. :-)

  2. I haven't heard Bryan Ferry in ages. Always liked Nine Inch Nails.

    1. I rock out to "Love is the Drug" on my MP3 player on an almost daily basis. :-)

  3. Ooh, those were great! I'll have to check out some of your past posts. ;)

    1. Thanks! And please do! Tell your friends!!! ;-)

  4. Not to be mean or anything, but Danzig should try modeling--he's gorgeous, but his voice needs some tuning. Sorry! :O


    A to Z co-host

    1. LOL - it's not to everyone's taste, for sure. :-)

  5. I love a good dark romance song. Nine Inch Nails is definitely one of my favorites.

    1. For me, NIN's "Pretty Hate Machine" is nearly a perfect album (meaning, I adore almost every track on it).

  6. I had never heard 'Kiss and Tell' before. All I can say is wow...thank you for putting it it! It's one of those songs I like to call 'slinky' songs...there's something sinuous about it and that puts me over the moon.

    1. YES! Really, that's the *perfect* way to describe it! Slinky and sinuous, hell yes! (I may be e-mailing you in future when I'm stuck for a good descriptor.) ;-)


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