Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Dark Romance of D...

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Don't Go ~ Yazoo

A classic scene - the person's no good for you but you'll die without her/him. So what's more betterer; a quick, if shockingly painful, extraction or the prolonged torture of a relationship that'll be the eventual death of you? Well, as long as there's hope, there's hell...

Destroy Everything You Touch ~ Ladytron

Right - so you stuck it out in the above scenario, got burned, and now you've a chance to love again, but what do you do? Do you reach out with grace or do you seek to destroy before you're decimated yet again? (I have to say, as dark as this tune is, it grooves along so nicely I always picture a group of folks at a wedding reception doing some kind of line dance to it.) (Maybe the Electric Slide.) (What? It could totally happen.)

Danger! High Voltage* ~ Electric Six 

*Lyrics are ok, but video may not be safe for work.

OK, OK - enough doom and gloom! You decided you'd give Love another shot...But I betcha didn't know all that heat generated by the first flush of pheromones could be so perilous, didja??? Harmful hormones aside, this song is so absurdly, delightfully, deliciously camp, and it just dance-rocks so hard, it never fails to put a grin on my face. (No, never.)


  1. I forgot all about Yazoo! Excellent Ladytron song. I'm downloading it now.

    Life's too short to dwell in destructive relationships.

    1. Hey, glad you like the Ladytron! It's got a great dance beat, right??? :-)

      And agreed - shame we can't always see the reality of things (or we see, but don't act appropriately) when we're caught in the eye of the relationship hurricane.

  2. What a great theme you've got going for your A to Z challenge :) That's really fun.

    1. Hi, Rhonda, thanks so much for popping by and checking things out! I just had a quick look at your blog and will DEFINITELY be popping back later for a better read - I can really relate to your subject today (and especially its title!). :-)

  3. Superb choices. Bravo! I am intrigued on the song choices for Q, X and Z amongst others... Looking forward to it though.

    1. Merci bien! I definitely needed a little help from my friends for those letters! (And I had to use band names and even an album title to fit the letter X!)

  4. Great stuff! New follower here. I’m enjoying reading my fellow “A to Z”ers. I look forward to visiting again.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sylvia! Good luck with the Challenge!

  5. I haven't heard any Electric Six in ages! Great stuff

  6. Can't go wrong with Yaz. (Nice choice to call them Yazoo. :)) And Ladytron is one of the greatest groups of the last decade. Yay!


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