Saturday, November 24, 2012

Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention #5

When I announced the finalists for my Resurrection Blogfest, I mentioned I'd be posting "Honorable Mentions," of entries that caught my attention and I wanted to bring to yours, Dear Reader. For the next week or so, I'll be doing just that. If you haven't yet read these entries, please give them a lookie-look!

In the order in which folks signed up, my fifth Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention goes to Trisha at Word + Stuff. Trisha resurrected her very first blog post ever, entitled NaNoWriMo - Is It Evil? For those who're not familiar with this, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, a mad November event in which participants aim to write a 50K word novel in exactly 30 days. I gave it a shot in 2008 and crapped out mid-month. I may try it again in future but, for now, I'm demented enough as it is, thank you. :-)

Go on, now; check it out! And Trisha, please feel free to take the above badge for your blog and link it back to this post, if you like. Thanks again for participating in my first annual blogfest!


  1. Great post. Success all the way around!

  2. Thank you for translating that abbreviation! That's a lot of writing/words for one month. Amazing!

  3. Made a new follower of me over there. What a provocative post.

  4. Ohhh, thanks for this! I only just realised I was one of the honourable mentions here :D I will definitely snag me that badge! *hug*


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.