Saturday, November 10, 2012

Here are the Resurrection Blogfest Finalists!

My Dudes! I am so, so, sorry to keep y'all waiting for finalist results for so long today. It was not my intent but you know the old saying, "Man proposes, God disposes." So again, I'm sorry to be so late. I hope to do things more betterer for next year's blogfest. (Assuming we survive my birthday this year.)
Here's the thing: I planned for only 7 winners finalists (sorry, just noticed this goof!). I settled on 7 because my bloggiversary is on the 7th. Made sense to me, at the time. Only, it’s actually le suck because, out of nearly 50 entries, I found way more than 7 that I wanted to bump up to finalist status. But I’d said there’d be 7 finalists, and I’m a gal of my word. Curse these morals of mine.

So to get down to 7, I had to go with the entries that grabbed me on some visceral, instinctual level. Some made me laugh, some made me think, some simply made me feel deeply…whichever of these, the attraction was an instantaneous moment of something within me saying, “Yes!”  KnowhatImean? It was chemistry. Sorta like dating. (I’m guessing. I haven’t had a date since…Never mind, I’ve said too much. Somebody wanna pass me the cake-flavored vodka?)

Meanwhile, those other entries that came this close to becoming finalists will receive “Honorable Mentions” in upcoming posts. It’s the least I can do, and they are so totally worth it.

Right, so—here are the 7 finalists:

Beyond, original fiction by Tamara at One Magic Bean Buyer. This sci-fi/horror/fantasy is flavored with a super-sweet love story (and y’all know how romantical I can get, and whatnot). Tamara combined the post with a monthly blog hop event, Insecure Writer's Support Group, so you'll have to scroll down the page to read this story. DO IT, IT'S AWESOME!

Snapshot arrives…the birth of “EvilDM,” creative non-fiction/memoir by Mark at The DM’s Screen. Mark humorously revists a long ago Christmas and that fateful moment in which his imagination was sparked to pursue gaming and writing. (I dearly heart stories set at Christmas-time.)

The Last Days of School, creative non-fiction/memoir by David at Brits in the USA. Another humorous look back, this time at David’s self-described, “…pathetically short career as a teacher.” (To which I can really relate, having served exactly one year as a general music/chorus teacher at the elementary school level, some time before the discovery of fire.)

I Am Going To Write Today, creative non-fiction by Andrea at The Enchanted Writer. True to her blog’s name, Andrea’s expression of that joyful anticipation which can fill you when you’re fixing to do some writing enchanted the hell out of me. A sunny, inspirational read.

Boundless, sci-fi poetry by L.G. Keltner at Writing Off the Edge. Yes, you read that correctly; it’s a sci-fi poem. Who the hell knew? (Not I.) Where the above entry rises like the sun at dawn, L.G.’s heart-felt rhymes express her love for exploring the mystery of unknown (and unknowable?) worlds beyond the starry night skies. L.G. goes boldly, y’all, for which I am very glad, indeed.

What Is It Without Honesty?, creative non-fiction by Nikki at Absconditus Creations. Nikki’s a visual artist but her essay addresses just about every creative endeavor. She touches on themes of honesty in one’s art and living authentically as a creator, not only for one’s own benefit but to connect with those who examine one’s work. Her words zapped bits of my soul with their aching exhortations, that I now feel I must bare myself to the world in my writing and music-making. (Blame Nikki, it’s all her fault.) ;-)

The Metropolis of Tomorrow, music video by Kristina Perez, Writer and Photographer. Kristina got me where I live (well, where I work) with her entry. It’s a “video homage” to New York City, with a groovy cover of New York, New York, by Cat Powers. I don’t even really like that damned song, but this version of it slithered into my veins and snaked its way to my…again, never mind. In short, I totally dig it.

OK, so, I encourage all who land here to click the above links, check out the finalists’ entries, and then return here to vote for one of them. I know, that you can vote for only one is also le suck. Hey, I don’t make the rules…well, actually, in this instance, I do.

Anyway, please rock the vote and spread the news so others can come check out all of the above fabulousness. You’ve got till 11:59pm EST on Monday, November 12 and then the poll will close.

Finalists, if it didn’t occur to you to pimp your finalist status on all the social media to which you’re connected, well, then you’re daft. Please do so and encourage your readers to check out the other finalists’ entries, comment upon them on their respective blogs, and then return here to cast their votes.

I’ll post the three prize-winners’ names by high noon EST on Tuesday, November 13, (God willing!) and if the winners have their e-mails visible somewhere on their blogs (or e-mail me ASAP), they will receive their Amazon gift cards electronically before I leave town for my west coast conference.

OK, then. Get to reading/pimping/voting, y’all!

Vote for your favorite resurrected blog post!


  1. I have not been able to go and check out all the posts, but I have high hopes of doing so by Monday. (I hope.) I'm off to check your finalists!

    This was way fun! :)

    1. Thanks, Juli. I really enjoyed reading your entry - I've had many of the same thoughts! :-)

  2. This was such a great idea for a blogfest. Thanks for hosting and congratulations to the finalists!

  3. Hey Mina. You have to get out of my head missy. These were all posts I really liked and thought might make the final cut. Weird! Anyway, now you have made the voting even harder for me... I'll have another squint at them and make that difficult choice. I have really enjoyed this blogfest too, thanks for putting it on!

    P.S. Christmas '85 or '86 were the christmases in my post. Mark's Christmas in question was a little before mine. The reason I know this is that he told me that story about twenty years ago...!

    1. Yep; I realized this a little while ago. I have this bad habit of mixing you two fellers up, now and again. I think that's because I learned of your blog through Mark. Tsk. Sorry about that! :-)

  4. Thanks so much for the inclusion on the shortlist Mina - I haven't received an award since .... nevermind, the egg and spoon race at school maybe. Cue to crack open the cake flavored vodka - great blogfest BTW with some cool entries.

  5. I am deeply honoured and greatly surprised! I very much appreciate you choosing my visit to the past, and in such great company too! :)

    1. You painted a rich picture, Mark. I enjoyed it very much.

  6. Congratulations to the finalists. Hard to choose the best one in that lot. Such great bloggers!

  7. Thanks for choosing me as a finalist! It's such a big honor considering how many great entries there were. This was such a fun blogfest!

    1. I couldn't NOT dig a poetry/sci-fi mashup executed as well as yours. :)

  8. Wow. Thanks.
    I'll totally take the blame for you spilling your insides to the world, I'll even lend you a mop and bucket. :D

  9. Congrats to the finalists! And thanks for hosting Mina, this was fun! (: will come back to vote, I just need to get to the rest of the posts. (:

  10. I'm still in the process of reading all of the posts, but I'll read these tomorrow. Thanks to those of you who read my post and who left comments. Bloggers appreciate comments. It shows you stopped by and read the post. I always leave a comment.(Unless there's something wrong with your blog.) So look for mine. I still have lots of posts to read. If Mina does another one of these next year, I'll be back. (The only blog hops I don't return to are the ones where people really don't seem to care about anyone's posts but their own.)

    1. God willing, I'll make the Resurrection Blogfest an annual event.

  11. Congratulations to the finalists! And a hearty "Thanks" to Mina for a fun blogfest!

    It's very hard to choose from the finalists- I enjoyed all of them and they were all great posts. Excellent work guys!

    1. It was hard enough just getting down to 7 finalists, I don't know how I'm going to vote for just one.

  12. Great blogfest, Mina! I loved reading all the finalists' entries. I chose my favorite and voted. Good luck to all the contestants! :-)

  13. I'm honored to be one of the finalists, thanks so much and thanks for hosting this awesome blogfest!



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