Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention #2

When I announced the finalists for my Resurrection Blogfest, I mentioned I'd be posting "Honorable Mentions," of entries that caught my attention and I wanted to bring to yours, Dear Reader. For the next week or so, I'll be doing just that. If you haven't yet read these entries, please give them a lookie-look!

In the order in which folks signed up, my second Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention goes to Juli at Surviving Boys. Juli resurrected a post from Thursday, March 11, 2010 called The Tooth Fairy Doesn't Work on Valentine's Day, which features that among many other hideous lies we tell our children. The shame, the shame!!!

Go on, now; check it out! And Juli, please feel free to take the above badge for your blog and link it back to this post, if you like. Thanks again for participating in my first annual blogfest!


  1. Off to check out Juli's awesome post. :)I have four nephews I lie to shamelessly. LOL

  2. Congratulations! *Throws confetti :) Your comment on my post yesterday was the best eva!!!!!!!

  3. That was a really funny post!!

  4. I know, this was groovy too...it really was hard to narrow my finalists down to 7...

    @Michael - Aw! :-) Seriously, I'm impressed by your visual art skills, as well as your writing.

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It's been one of those days today, so seeing this really made it a whole lot better!!! And I must say, I'm impressed by so many of these posts. Some are not my thing, but all that I've read so far show so much talent!!!

  6. Thanks for the cool link, I'm glad I found Juli's blog!! LOVED her post. haha...Too funny. I have been an absolutely HORRIBLE tooth fairy.

  7. @Juli: Aw, sorry for the ick day. I'm glad to have cheered you, even if only a bit!

    @Tamara: LOL. I held my own, I think. :-)

  8. This one really cracked me up, especially because my kids are going through that phase right now. I was hoping this post would be amongst the winners, but it's good to know you found it so awesome too. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  9. It was definitely a fun post, Gina. Like I said, it was super hard narrowing down the finalists to just 7! :-)


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.