Monday, November 5, 2012

Final Blogfest Reminder, Y’all!

So, my Resurrection Blogfest is coming up this Wednesday, November 7—have you selected the blog post you want to bring back from the dead? (So to speak.) Click here if you need a refresher on all the details. Please note that I’ve slightly tweaked dates for:
  • the posting of the 7 semi-finalists (should now be up by Saturday, November 10)
  • voting (will now run from November 10 through to/including Monday, November 12)
  • announcement of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners (by noon on Tuesday, November 13)
I had to adjust the dates due to a stupid-early flight I had to book for a conference on Thursday of that week, so I want to be sure to get the Amazon gift certificates e-mailed to the prize winners before my trip, if possible. (Participants, it'd be super helpful if your e-mail addresses are shown somewhere on your blog!)

The following participants have requested reminder e-mails, which I anticipate sending out on Nov. 6:

Trisha (WORD + STUFF)
Wayne Assiratti
David Macaulay
Andrea Teagan

If you’d like to get an e-mail reminder (or if I missed ya), e-mail me before noon on Nov. 6, otherwise, I can't guarantee I'll be able to get the reminder out to ya in time.

And, hey—do a Goth Mom (Lite!) a solid and Tweet* this post by clicking the little "T" icon underneath this post's tag: "Posted by Mina Lobo at 12:00 AM," toward the bottom left of the post. (You know, if you’re on The Twitter, of course.) (Don’t sign up just to Tweet this.) (Unless you really, really want to.)

*You could also Gmail, Blogger, Facebook, and/or Google Plus it!


  1. There's a first time for everything - in this case, my first time thing was sharing something on Twitter using that little button ;)

  2. I'm all ready and I have given the fest a shout out on my blog today. :)Can't wait!

  3. I've got my post ready to publish!!! :D :D

  4. Silly question here - how do you present a past post on your blog? Just the link, or do you transpose the whole page onto a new post page? Sorry, but I'm a bit lost here, having never done it before?

    Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

    I'll check back periodically for any helpful advice... merci x

    1. Dude, if I'm your only hope, you are SO screwed! ;-)

      OK, this is how I did it; go into the blog post you'd like to resurrect as if you were going to edit it. Select the text you're resurrecting and then close that blog post. Select the option to compose a new blog post and then paste the selected text into the new blog post. Et voila!

    2. You, madam, are all kinds of sexiness rolled into one Gothma package, though I'm not sure about your penchant for 'woofing' at the opposite sex?

      Anyway, I was thinking this would be more complicated than it is - typical, huh? Big thanks for replying - hope I've done this all correct now?

  5. My entry is ready to go! Can't wait!

  6. I'll be working on it tomorrow. The best part is that the hard parts are already finished. And, by the way, I Tweeted it!
    Ooh, that sounds dirty.

  7. I've got my post ready and scheduled! I'll be there with bells on, after work of course :), to visit the other participants

    1. Thanks for making that point - part of the fun of a blogfest is checking out your competition! Uh, I mean, fellow participants! :-)

  8. So excited to see some of the blog posts unearthed in this blogfest! I bet there are going to be some good articles! Thanks again for hosting!

  9. I have a twitter account but, much like the ability to think before I speak, I've never used it. I did remind my readers with a post though.

    I still love this idea and I can't wait to see which pieces people pick.

    1. Thanks for pimping my blogfest! I also look forward to seeing what folks are gonna toss out there!

  10. Hey, Mina,

    I know I've been basically AWOL lately, from a bloggeristical perspective, but I just wanted you to know that I AM still taking part in your blogfest tomorrow!

    So I may have been gone, but I have not fogotten, so don't forget that I won't be gone, and so your blogfest is NOT gone, or forgotten, and... um... uh, yeah... something like that...

    Anyway, see ya tomorrow!

    1. Hang on...I've forgotten who made this comment. Is he gone now? ;-)

  11. Yes, I've selected a post I'm bringing back from the dead. I think it's either gonna be my one on exclamation points or the one about Wonder Woman.

    Don't forget to vote today, Mina.

    1. Hah, I'd get a kick out of either, I think; especially the exclamation points one, as my boss really, seriously, tends to overuse them. :-)

  12. Lady, I'm on this like a cheap suit. Pimping the blogfest right now on Twitter. Nice.


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.