Friday, November 23, 2012

Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention #4

When I announced the finalists for my Resurrection Blogfest, I mentioned I'd be posting "Honorable Mentions," of entries that caught my attention and I wanted to bring to yours, Dear Reader. For the next week or so, I'll be doing just that. If you haven't yet read these entries, please give them a lookie-look!

In the order in which folks signed up, my fourth Resurrection Blogfest Honorable Mention goes to Elizabeth Twist: Writer, Plague Enthusiast. Elizabeth resurrected a post from November 10, 2008, entitled, How Do You Free Yourself? In it, she details her journey "down the rabbit hole" of self-recreation and the ups and downs of forgoing one career path to live an authentic life as a writer. My Dudes, I'm sure many of you can relate. I know I sure can, except I can't slide down the rabbit hole till my kid's done with college. (3.5 years to go, W00T!)

Go on, now; check it out! And Elizabeth, please feel free to take the above badge for your blog and link it back to this post, if you like. Thanks again for participating in my first annual blogfest!


  1. Congrats, Elizabeth! I was prepared to put up a Resurrection post, and then my power went out for days due to Hurricane Sandy!

  2. I visited a lot of these, but I was visiting people on IWSG too, so I missed a bunch. Glad I'm getting a chance to read them. :)

    1. I know, there are SO MANY folks doing IWSG! How do y'all manage to keep up? (How does Alex Cavanaugh manage; I understand he reads all entries!)

  3. Thank you thank you, Mina! I'm really looking forward to your slide down the rabbit hole. The rules are different down here.

    1. My pleasure, Ms. Twist. I kinda gotta wait till my kid's done with college before I can swallow that red pill and catch up with Alice (only 3.5 years to go, W00T!). But I'm making plans to skirt the edge of the hole with a bit of self/ePubbing in 2013. :-)

  4. It's real nice of you to give Honorable Mentions. I guess I've been remiss in keeping up with your blog 'cause I had to look back a number of posts to find the winners. I voted for L.G. Leitner's poem and am glad she got 2nd place. Great contest, Mina! :-)

    1. Thanks, Lexa. Don't sweat it; without Interwebs at home (still!) I'm SOOOOO behind on my blog reading. Gah. I hope that getting Fios on Dec. 7 will help me get back on track.


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.