Monday, May 27, 2013

Taking A Break

Antonio Cortina Farinós [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Y'all, I am le tired*. April and A to Z kicked my butt. I need a rest, so I'll not be blogging this last week of May. Also, I'm traveling for work from Wednesday through Saturday, so I'm not sure I'll have access to the Interwebs. (Oh, the horror!)

If you're desperately bored and need some reading material/music to shake your bootie to, you can try:

At Home With The King & Queen of the Underworld

Blog Props ~ For Folks "Met" In My A to Z Travels

Tuneage ~ Bad Ass Mothers of RAWK!

Or, you know. Maybe go take a nap*.

Hope y'all enjoyed the long weekend and have a fabulous week. God willing, I'll see ya on Monday, June 3, with my 200th post!

In memoriam
By Remember (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

*Linked to a video that still cracks me up, even though it's years old, but it's my source for "I am le tired."


  1. Have a wonderful break, Mina. We'll miss you, and expect you to be back promptly on the 3rd with your 200th post of awesomeness! :-)

  2. I don't blame you one bit. I need a vacation too!! Have a great time!



  3. Enjoy your break!!! I hope you are going somewhere fun and get to see the sites as well as working!

  4. I'm ' le tired' too. I may take a nap whilst you take a break. Seems only fair. Enjoy.

  5. Thanks, youse guys. Going to Denver for a conference for work, blah. (Blah that it's for work and not for funsies, not 'cause it's Denver.) (Though if I were traveling for funsies, I'd probably head to San Francisco.) :-)

  6. Happy Memorial Day, Mina and enjoy your blogging break. Safe travels and all that too!

  7. Enjoy your break, Mina! We'll see you when you get back!


  8. Have a safe trip and enjoy your break. We all need a little time off once in a while. Pamper yourself and vive le naps! (:

  9. Have a nice break! You've earned it!

  10. Thanks, folks. Hope to see y'all again next week. :-)

  11. Have a nice break, I'm taking one too, maybe the entire month of June. I've got to much to do, a vacation planned and also just need a break from the computer!

    Have fun, I'll be cruising, but not posting - I think!



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