Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog Props ~ For Folks "Met" In My A to Z Travels

Dear Readers, you may have noticed I blogged with a particular theme in mind for the month of April. That's 'cause I was doing this Blogging from A to Z thing, I may have mentioned it.


A bunch of the bloggers I palled up with last year I'm still tight with and this year saw me digging the scene of some new (to me) blogs. So for my regular "Blog Props" feature, in which I praise blogs like I should, I thought I'd give some shout-outs. Mind you, I've not made it through the whole danged list of bloggers who participated in A to Z just yet, so in future there are bound to be more folks I'll be...uh...props-ing? Whatevs, you know what I mean.

In alphabetical order by blog title:

It Starts at the Beginning
So, this groovy Brit chick, Juliette explained in her Big Reveal post that for A to Z she'd "...decided to write a fictional story based on a teenager with Aspergers and the effects of their behaviour on others close by." What the story turned out to really be about was Sophie, the teen's mother, and how she copes with the ruckus he raises at school, as well as her ex-husband and the mysterious stranger with whom she's been playing online games. Equal parts heart-rending and hilarious, this grabbed me so hard when I came across it that I had to go back to the beginning of the alphabet to catch the story from the start. I recommend y'all do so as well.

(parenthetical asides)
Being that I frequently speak in parentheticals (regular readers know what I'm talkin' about), this blog could not fail to appeal. In it, Dy Saturday posts "...Internal monologues, soliloquies, and things probably better off left unsaid..." He's currently running a serialized story which began with Lawn Gods: Neighborhood Beautification Task Force. I really enjoy this dude's "voice" and judicious use of swear words. (Especially the swear words.)

Samantha Redstreake Gary
Samantha is not only a fellow writer, but one into Greek mythos, as I am. For A to Z, she wrote a series called The Essence of Memory. Her writing is lyrical, mystic, beautiful, dark, and enchanting. Truly. I flatter myself that I'm good at what I do, but I can't do what this gal does. Start the series with Athens (The Essence of Memory Part 1).

Tales of The Rock
My new good friend Rocky's a writer and all-around groovy guy. For A to Z, he wrote about Ghosts: Real, Imagined, and Metaphorical. Naturally, the spooky topic was right up my alley. Read his first post, in which Rocky learns that his mother's adopted a ghost.

Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi
The title of this blog alone should tell you something. What, I'm not sure, and I'm too lazy (as everyone knows) to elaborate. Basically, my girl Valerie is a hilariously, surreally (shut up, that's totally a word), funny trip. For realz. Just go read her stuff, only don't be eating or drinking while you do, as anything in your mouth's bound to come out your nose, at some point. Here, I'll help get you started: M is for Maniac...And Elijah Wood's obvious obsession with me.


  1. Wow, you're still working through the list? That's awesome. I hope you find a lot more wonderful new blogs!

  2. Yeah, I'm puttering through it, here and there. Just checking out the ones that are coded and may be of interest or whose blog titles catch my fancy. :-)

  3. I missed doing A to Z this year, and the really fun aspect of it is connecting up with kindred spirits. It's great that you found some, and it was interesting to hear about some of them.

    1. Yeah, making the connections really is the best bit of A to Z-ing. :-)

  4. Awesome blogs! I nearly peed myself laughing at Valerie's blog. Thanks for that one! :)

  5. Hey Mina,

    Have you missed me? Yes? No? Who am I? Get outta' town! :) Oh yes, that alphabet challenge I didn't do and would never do. Okay, I am aware of the lovely Samantha and like your delightful self, I'm 'Farcebook' friends with her also.

    When I have some time, I'll have a check through your various links. I'm good like that. And to remind my amazing self, I share this on Farcebook and Twitter. Just watch me.

    Your starstruck fan,

    Gary at the anarchic alternative astounding alphabet adventure!

    1. LOL, "Farcebook!" Thanks for sharing, Gary!

  6. I appreciate the shout out girl, many thanks! I'll have to check these other folks out - they sound awesome!

  7. Thanks so much for the mention!

  8. Awesome of you to do shout outs Mina :)


    1. I dig sharing the bloggy-blog love, Donna. :-)

  9. AWWWWW!!!! Thank you!!! And I am so happy to have found you. Seriously. I'm outside. I've found you... I. Just. Want. A. Hug.




    1. ROTFL, my first stalker! (Right? You're my first? No other stalkers in the club be after me, right??? I can't imagine you being the type to share...)


  10. yay so cool to stumble on you last year. I did find quite a lot of great new followers this year - some may even become regulars :)

  11. Sounds like wonderful bloggers to highlight. Will check them out Mina! (:

  12. Thanks so much for the shout about, Mina! I particularly like being called a 'groovy British chick' to be honest!

    You're awesome sauce!


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