Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blogfests: To Remind and Promote Others'

The Reminder

My Lunar Lovin' Hop's
coming up THIS WEEKEND!
Click here if you forgot
what the hell you signed up for
(or if you simply forgot
to sign up!)

The Promotions

Jolie Du Pre of Precious Monsters
hosts a Valentine's Day blogstravaganza
(that is SO TOTALLY A WORD).
(Well, now).
You dig the vamps?
Let you count the ways for this blog hop!
Click here for the fangs facts!

Elise Fallson & Michelle Wallace co-host the
She said what?! Blog-o-versary Giveway Bash! Feb. 18 - 20.
I'm too wrecked from work
to remember what happens with this one...
something about writing captions for cartoons...
Anyway, I know I signed up for it,
so I reckon y'all should, too.
Go on, then; click here or there.

And just to remind you, one last time, that my Lunar Lovin' Hop's coming up THIS WEEKEND, here's Mike Oldfield's gorgeous, heart-squeezing tale of a tune, Moonlight Shadow, with the best vocals I've heard on this song to date, by Miriam Stockley.


  1. Merci for the bloghop shout out and for the reminder. We've had nothing but overcast nights and foggy mornings for the last few days... really hope it'll clear up on the 27th.

  2. Lots of cool blog hops happening at the moment!

  3. Ah, I like that song! My camera is ready :)

  4. Mina, thanks for the shout-out and the love!!!!

  5. Signed up for the She Said What blogfest!

  6. I signed up for Elise and Michelle's hop. I don't know if I can sign up for anymore. My blog calendar is filling up.

  7. I hope you have a great blogfest! I'm constantly amazed at the themes people come up with - they're all so creative. Amazing! :-)

  8. Thanks for popping 'round, y'all. I'm middle-aged and wrecked from my day job, so I can't muster too many words right now, but wanted to say howdy to y'all. <3

  9. Indeed Mina - how could I forget the immortal line 'there's Klingons on the starboard bow' - cool am middle ages and wrecked from the day job tooo


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.