Monday, October 27, 2014

Resurrection Blogfest, the Third

So, like, as of November 7, 2014, I'll have been blogging for three years. That's some shit, huh? (Be a sport and pretend it is.)

Brace yourselves—it's time for...


For this blogfest, participants will resurrect a blog post that they initially published between November 8, 2013 and November 6, 2014 (or, since my second Resurrection Blogfest, whether they participated or not) which they believe merits one more glance before it gives up the ghost for good. In addition to this being the easiest friggin' blogfest around...

...there will be PRIZES!!!

Here's the dealio, yo:
  1. Sign up by entering your blog's name and URL on the linky-list, below. The linky-list will close after 11:59pm EST* on Friday, November 7, 2014.
  2. Upload the blogfest badge in this post to the sidebar of your blog and link it back to this announcement post, to help spread the word. (It's not a "button" and there isn't a code for it; you'll have to download the image, upload to your blog's sidebar, and manually link it back to this post.)
  3. Follow me on the Twitter (@GothMomLite) and re-tweet anything with this tag: #ResurrectionBlogfestIII. (Folks without Twitter accounts are welcome to participate, but must promote the blogfest on some other social media platform.)
  4. On November 7, your blog post must feature the blogfest badge as well as your resurrected blog post. Be sure to include the date on which it was originally posted. (Do give the title of the original blog post but please do not make readers have to click back to the original post—copy/paste it into your November 7, 2014 post.)
  5. I'll review all entries to make sure they fit the above criteria. Failure to have the badge on your sidebar, in your post, the resurrected post, and/or the date and title of the original post will disqualify you from the drawing (see #6 below).
  6. Three qualifying participants (see #5 above) will be selected at random to win EITHER A) a $20 Amazon gift card OR B) a print copy of my book and some book swag (see image below). The three winners can take their pick of either prize A or B (and I won't be hurt if you opt for A). (Probably.)
  7. Winners should be announced on or around Monday, November 10. (God willing.)
Prize Option B: Book and Swag!
Participants should know that:
  • *All days/times are based on EST
  • Subject matter is up to participants but whatever the topic, the post must have originally appeared on your blog on/since November 8, 2013 up to/including November 6, 2014.
  • It's OK to sign up if you've just started blogging and have only a few posts in your bloggy repertoire.
  • It's also OK for participants to enter more than one blog, however, in the spirit of Highlander—THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE prize per participant.
  • Participants whose Resurrection Blogfest III posts are not up by 11:59pm EST on Nov. 7 will be removed from the linky-list.
  • Topics/blogs with adult themes should have the appropriate preliminary warning before any participants or readers see your blog/post. Any participants' links that take the clicker to adult subject matter without warning will be removed at my discretion. And don't give me any crap about not knowing what I mean by "adult themes," 'cause you totally do.
  • Participants are expected to read and comment on other participants' entries beginning November 7 and on through that weekend (based on previous years' sign-ups, this should not be an unmanageable number of blog posts to read through/comment on over the course of three days).
  • Winners who opt for the $20 Amazon Gift Card will receive it via e-mail; those who choose the book/swag package will have to provide me with a mailing address (I'm happy to ship the book and swag-s-swag anywhere mail can be delivered).
Dudes, you don't have to come up with any new content for this blogfest, so whatareya waiting for? Sign up and Tweet the hell out of this blogfest already, gosh.

(Whether you choose to participate or not, please help me get the word out by sharing this post on the social media platform of your choice. You can do this easily by clicking one of the icons just above this post's tag: "Posted by Mina Lobo at 2:00 AM." THANKS!)

The image used for the Resurrection Blogfest III badge was taken from a pic snapped pour moi.

Remember to enter your blog's name on the linky list below!

Mister Linky's Magical Widgets -- Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!
This preview will disappear when the widget is displayed on your site.
If this widget does not appear, click here to display it.


  1. Looks like fun! I'm not sure I'll participate yet...I already have a bunch of blog posts in the can for Nov. I'll have to see if there's a post I want to resurrect!

  2. C'mon, you're a prolific blogger, you've got plenty of posts from which to choose! :-)

  3. Aw, dang. This is a neat idea. I wish I could do it. *pouts*

  4. Woot!! I can't believe it's time once again!! I'm going to have to check my calendars.

    1. Please, please, PLEASE JOIN IN!!! Your posts are laugh riots, legit!!! :-)

  5. This should be as fun as always. Looking forward to reading everyone's entries.

  6. For some reason, I accidentally signed up twice!

    1. No worries, I was able to delete the extra link. :-)

  7. This is always a fun one! I'm looking forward to it!

  8. Hey, Goth Momma! I be back at last. You're looking very well organised and busy - nice one :)

    I think I've found the perfect guy for you - pop over to my blog and check out the video of the guitarist I've found. You'll love him ;)

    Laters gurl frend :)

    1. Rats, I was just at your blog and forgot to check out the vid. ::heads back::

  9. Hope you had a fantastic Halloween! :) My mom is visiting this week, so no blogfests for me. =P

  10. Hi Goth Mamma! Miss you MINA! Hope all is well with you!

  11. Ditto and right back atcha, Mina girl! :)

  12. Sorry I'm late!
    I'll try to spread the word!

    1. You're not late at all! I'm stoked you're participating! :-) Thanks for spreading the word!!!

  13. Best wishes for the blogfest! It was fun to look back on some of those old posts when you first created the hop. :)

    1. Thanks, Cherie. I get a kick out of reading everyone's oldies-but-goodies. :-)

  14. I just joined and realized it's tomorrow. I'm glad I'm not too late!


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.