Friday, August 29, 2014

Announcing the Zombie Apocalypse: Survival Kit & Crew Bloghop!

Bodacious babes Jackie (Bouquet of Books) and Dani (Entertaining Interests) kindly invited moi to co-host their upcoming Zombie Apocalypse: Survival Kit & Crew Bloghop and, being the hip GothMom(Lite) that I am, I graciously accepted the honor. (Modestly, too.)

Use this here badge to prove that
you're fighting the good fight!
Dani and Jackie's excitement for The Walking Dead premiere on October 12 reanimated another blogfest idea for these groovy gals. I have to admit to being totally stoked myself (about the show and their invitation to co-host). (W00000T!) And I have a feeling, Dear Reader, that you may be stoked as well. Read on for deets...

Zombie Apocalypse: Survival Kit & Crew Bloghop

Post date: Friday, October 10, 2014 ('cause who wants to post on show day?) (Not I!)

Hosts: Jackie @Bouquet of Books, Dani @Entertaining Interests, and Mina @ Some Dark Romantic.

To help build your zombie apocalypse dream team and survival kit, you'll need to pick ONE person and/or ONE item for each of the topics listed in the below categories.

(Items you already have on your person: undergarments, shirt, bottoms, socks, tennis shoes & a backpack. If you want special shoes and/or boots, jackets, belt, etc., those are extra and will need to be listed for one of your items below.)

And since this bloghop is all about having fun, if you have kiddos and/or pets, we can assume they are safely tucked away in a safe haven while we’re out in the world fighting off zombies, so do not worry.

With the characters below, please include the book, movie, & TV show they stem from.

The Walking Dead character (crew member #1) is the only one that needs to be from a zombie themed entertainment outlet, but please feel free to choose characters from your other favorite books/movies/tv. They may or may not be zombie related. It's all up to you. Just let your imagination flow!

  1. 1 The Walking Dead character
  2. 1 book character
  3. 1 movie character
  4. 1 TV character (other than TWD)
  5. 1 loved one
  6. 1 friend
  7. 1 freebie

  1. 1 comfort item
  2. 1 weapon
  3. 1 luxury item
  4. 1 food item
  5. 1 medicine/first aid item
  6. 1 hygiene item
  7. 1 freebie

  1. Outpost
  2. Outbreak
  3. Cause of it
  4. Cure (if applicable)
  5. 1 item you NEED to find
  6. 1 item you WANT to find
  7. Method of travel
  • Please display the above badge on your blog.
  • Join us on Friday, October 10, to build your zombie apocalypse dream team and survival kit.
  • Spread the word via twitter, facebook, your blog, etc.
  • Sign up in the linky, below, so that we can visit you and your crew on October 10.
  • Most of all HAVE FUN and BE AS CREATIVE as you want!


  1. This sounds like a fun one! Plus it's going down the day before my birthday, and this sounds like a fun thing to do in celebration.


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.