Monday, August 4, 2014

Words, wOrds, WoRDS

Heya, peeps; it's that time of the month again! (No, not that time.) (As if I'd tell y'all when I'm experiencing that time of the month.) (I mean, I've no qualms about sharing how much the cramps, bloating, backache, and mood swings suck but, you know, I don't think telling you "when" my own personal hell strikes makes for entertaining reading.) (Assuming folks find anything I write here entertaining, of course.)

Dang. Now that was a heroic digression. Sweet Lord!

What I'm tryin' ta tell youse guys is that it's time for a game of Words, wOrds, WoRDS

Using the Random Word Generator at, I'm going to toss out a word and you're going to share the first thing that comes to your mind, in the comments section below.

Ready? OK!

Today's random word is...


To learn what came to my mind, select the darkened text between the asterisks.


My very first thought was, "Yee-haw!" Which made me think of the Dukes of Hazzard TV series from the 80s. Though, actually, it was set in Georgia, so that just goes to show my own ign'ance. Which you probably already suspected...


Go on, then. Reveal unto the world what that word inspired in your little gray cells.

If you dare...


  1. Texas Skies. I was once looking at pictures of hurricane Katrina and some of the amazing cloud formations created, and I said to my colleague that it reminded me of how big the sky actually was. She gave me the weirdest look. But it's true! When you remove all the trees and the buildings from blocking views you're presented with miles of skies where you can see formations brew in spectacular style - much like 'Texas Sky' :)

    1. I totally get what you mean. I have moments of smallness like that, looking up at the wide blue above, huge puffy white clouds lording themselves over me. Yep. :-)

  2. Cactus. And a helluva a long drive--I drove across it once.

  3. Small minded redneck conservative assholes who care more about the almighty oil dollar than anything else. Can you tell I'm not a fan of the deep south?

  4. Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) - God I'm shallow...

    1. Heh heh...I'm sure Supernatural's had plenty of episodes set in Texas. ;-)


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.