Monday, June 23, 2014

Words, wOrds, WoRDS

Is y'all ready for my trademarked game of Words, wOrds, WoRDS?

(OK, yeah; it's not actually trademarked and, in fact, I'm playing whether you're ready or not. I just asked 'cause that, and exhorting people to wave their hands in the air like they just don't care, is how you get folks all pumped up for stuff.)

Using the Random Word Generator at, I'm going to toss out a word and you're going to share the first thing that comes to your mind, in the comments section below.

Can ya dig it?

Today's random word is...


To learn what came to my mind, select the darkened text between the asterisks.


After a few seconds of blinking rapidly at the blank my mind drew, it occurred to me that a task force should be assembled to apprehend my latest celebrity crush, Richard Armitage, who's making the character of John Proctor in The Crucible a bazillion times hotter than he's got any right to be. Le W00F!!!


Go on, then. Reveal unto the world what that word inspired in your little gray cells.

If you dare...

(And you can click here to check out that thing I mentioned in the dark space, above.)


  1. Okay, what came to my mind? Work. Work, work, work, work, work, work, work. Work that HAS to be done, not necessarily work that I want to do. Could that be because I'm avoiding an onerous task just now? Moi? Maybe.

  2. Task = all the stuff I ought to be doing, but am not doing.

    On the other hand, Richard Armitage - love him very much!

  3. Ok, so something is really wrong with my brain because I immediately started thinking rhyming words – task, ask, and then I thought of ass. I think I should stop while I'm ahead *ahem* :P

    1. Haha...that's the kind of thing I do, too. ;-)

  4. Task?? about how a certain colleague becomes scarily arsey when asked to do a task during a busy period! Is it really necessary?? (can you tell I've had a good day at work??? lol)

    1. "Scarily arsey" made me LOL, but I totally know what you mean. :-D

  5. The first word that came to my mind was UNPLEASANT task. Probably b/c I am dealing with a few of those right now.

  6. Task = I know without going in there that the "guest" toilet (i.e., the room the small one typically pees all over) needs to be cleaned AGAIN. That's at the top of my impossibly long task list.

  7. Evil, dark task master. Could be a complete boring bastard from the hierarchy of corporate life but I'm hoping for a more dark, brooding godlike, sexual demon type master, if I'm honest....

  8. When I saw the word "task," it made me think of my planner, since that's where I write down all of my...well...tasks. Heh.

    1. Crossing stuff off one's planner's a great feeling, ain't it? :-)


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.