Monday, March 26, 2012

Rising up to the challenge...

...not of my rivals, but of Blogging A to Z for April 2012!

I told y'all I was gonna do it, a while back, and now I'm poised to make good on my threat promise. Beginning this Sunday, April 1 (no foolin') I'll blog on subjects spanning the alphabet, in order, one day at a time (skipping all Sundays but the first, 'cause even us lunatics bloggers need a day of rest).

Blog posts during the A to Z challenge could be themed or not, but I do enjoy the coherence of a good theme, so I've chosen to blog along the lines of something ever near and dear to my heart - music.

I mentioned in my last post that I've got the dream of rock stardom simmering away on my mental/emotional back burner, and it's true. Since I was knee-high to a fire hydrant (no, fire hydrants don't have knees, but I'm suburban girl, work with me, here) I've loved to sing and perform for an audience. I was a music major in college and work in a somewhat related field now, but haven't performed (or even sung seriously) in ages. I miss it terribly.

My as-yet-unfulfilled-dreams aside, music, along with writing, is my passion. And, speaking of passion, that's more or less how I've themed my A to Z blogs - around songs that I find to be some combination of passionate/darkly romantic/simply romantic/just plain dark/sexy woof!  (That last bit's a technical term.)

Every day of this April's challenge I'll blog about three tunes which start with that day's letter and that have touched me on one of the above levels, though not all songs will necessarily be about love/romance/sex. For instance, the lyrics of a particular tune may not be hot but some aspect of the music rocks my internal casbah, if you will. (Your casbah-rocking mileage may vary.) But all songs have resounded with me, at one time or another, and I hope some will grab you viscerally as well.

Of course, some letters proved deucedly difficult for satisfying my theme, so I reserve the right to use band, and even album names, to meet my goals for the Challenge. Also, I called upon some of my dear friends for song ideas when I got stuck on a letter (curse you, Q!!!!!) and will be sure to give them credit when their suggestions appear. (PS: Dear Friends Upon Whom I Relied - I heart y'all!)

Thus, if you want to get into the groove, please check back on April 1 and be prepared to shake it right along with me. (Just not at me, 'cause I'm fundamentally a very shy and modest goth gal.) (No, really.)


  1. Your choice for theme intrigues me, I mean hearing what is your Life's soundtrack ;)
    Can't wait ;D

    1. Hmmm, I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're quite right, it is a soundtrack, of sorts...some would fit a proper romance movie, others, more a horror flick! ;-)

  2. I hope you will include album covers in this challenge - always loved looking at the LP covers of my brother's record collection as a kid.

    As for my challenge, I haven't a clue? Not sure if it will follow a theme or just adhere to a basic A, B, C format? Who knows? What I am aiming to do is produce a three minute short story on each Friday. Got my first done, but as to how long I can keep it running, in terms of fresh ideas, well, I suppose that is something yet to be discovered :)

    I'm nervously excited about the A-Z Challenge, so much more so for the activity it will create within the blog community. Guaranteed I'll be checking up on you to make sure you're on track (no pun intended). As for Q, what about that great UK group, 'Queen'?

    1. Album covers would be really great but I worry about using copyrighted material and whatnot...I'm assuming you have to get permission to post images to them (I dunno, actually, how that works. Do you? I'd welcome any advice you could give me on that score, pardon the pun.) and I don't have the time to seek it, alas...though I will link to youtube clips of the vids (and to the bands' Web sites, if they have them).

      Wow, good luck with writing original fiction every week! Good for you! I look forwarding to reading it!

      One of my Dear Friends did suggest Queen (I was mortified not to think of them myself!) so they completely swept the category. :-)

    2. I meant, "get permission to post images OF them (album covers)" Sigh...not enough coffee yet...

    3. *pats head and offers a chocolate treat*

    4. Hang on... back up a mo! You mean you HAVEN'T read this first Three Minute Friday story!?

      Pfft... that's it, girl, your card is marked, uh huh! You know that, gurlfrend!? *trying my best Rikki Lake here*

    5. I have now! Plus, nice Rikki Lake action. ;-)

      Now...let's have some more of that chocolate...

  3. Music is one of my favorite themes--I'm doing it as well on 2 of my blogs and I've seen where several others will be doing a music theme. I wish we could have been able to program our list where we could separate all the blogs that are doing music themes to make them easier to find.
    I look forward to seeing what you will be doing.
    Have you heard about the Sad Songs Blogfest coming this Friday. I'm doing it as a lead in to my A to Z themes.
    Follow my link below to get more information if interested.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, that would be pretty groovy if the blogs could all be sorted by general topic, eh? OTOH, the "life is like a box of chocolates" approach the blogs can be fun too. :-)

  4. Looking forward to the songs you come up with during the month.

    1. Thanks! I don't expect they'll all appeal to everyone, but maybe one or two will! :-)

  5. I'm ready!! Stopping by from today's A-Z challenge post. I'm following :)

    1. Thanks, Martha! Now I'm stalking - ahem - I mean, following you too! ;-)


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