Monday, May 12, 2014

Words, wOrds, WoRDS...

It's time for round two of a little game I like to call Words, wOrds, WoRDS (because it's a word-association-type game and I'm clever like that).

"How does one play?" you may ask.

Using the Random Word Generator at, I'm going to toss out a word and you're going to share the first thing that comes to your mind, in the comments section below.

Are you ready?

Today's random word is...


To learn what came to my mind, select the darkened text between the asterisks.


I thought of that fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, The Princess and the Pea, possibly because I traveled for my day job this weekend and spent a restless night tossing and turning and could really use a good night's rest. Also, I wouldn't mind being claimed and set up for a life of luxury by a foxy and charming prince. I mean, I'd be willing to give it a shot, is all I'm sayin'.


Go on, then. Reveal unto the world what that word inspired in your little gray cells.

If you dare...


  1. Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,
    Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old;
    Some like it hot, some like it cold,
    Some like it in the pot, nine days old.

    I don't know why, but there you go. I like neither peas nor porridge.

    1. Haha, I remember that one...thank God for the Internet, that I may now go off on a Google tangent to learn just what the hell pease porridge is anyway. :-D

  2. The story of the princess and the pea immediately came to mind. Perhaps it came to mind because I should be in bed.

  3. Pea soup in projectile vomit form, ala The Exorcist. Regan ruined peas for me.

  4. Tacoma restaurant Stanley & Seafort's Broadway Pea Salad which I am hoping to recreate this week. One of my friends who cooks was able to reverse engineer it and the recipe she came up with tastes pretty darn close!

  5. There's a bridge over the M25 motorway heading North into Hertfordshire. For as long as I can remember there's been graffiti across that bridge that reads 'Give Peas A Chance'. I scowl every time we drive under it because I detest peas with a (I'm sure they meant to write 'peace' but when you're hanging upside down over one of the UK's busiest motorways - or how ever they did it - I think spelling isn't really on the fore-front of your mind...)

  6. I thought of the time my brother made me laugh so hard that I peed my pants. And not a little. It was a lot of pee. Then I realized I was thinking of the wrong pee. And that I messed up this exercise.

    Damn it.



    1. Nah, Dude, that kinda thing's exactly what makes these games fun. For me, anyway, and let's face it - all I really care about is my own amusement. ;-)

  7. My first thought was "The Princess and the Pea," as well! I've always loved that tale...

    1. I remember thinking that gal's in trouble if she's ever gotta tour the world and spend nights in various untried hotels...though maybe she'd get lucky and get all sleep-number beds and whatnot. :-D

  8. My first thought was, what the heck is a pea? It's still early, took me a minute. I should probably eat more vegetables....

  9. I first thought of "peas and carrots" which is what I've heard that extras in the background of movies say to each other to look like they're in conversation. O.o

  10. Green. Soup. Then the kid throwing it all up IN HIS BOWL. I can't be around pea soup to this day. That was 1st grade...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

    P.S Nice to see you at Life is Good yesterday! Thanks for stopping by!


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.